Benefits Counseling

Benefits Counseling

Many people who are on a Medicaid waiver or social security shy away from employment due to fear of losing their benefits. We now offer benefits counseling to help people understand how employment and other life decisions may or may not impact their benefits.

What We Do

Our specially trained benefits counselors can help people with disabilities and their families understand how employment and other life decisions will impact their benefits.

  • A benefits counselor can help people with disabilities ease fears or concerns about losing income or access to health care when considering work, accepting a promotion, or increasing work hours by looking at underutilized programs and options to safeguard necessary care.
  • A benefits counselor will help prepare a Benefits Summary and Analysis to ensure a person-centered, individualized plan for each person.

When to Seek Benefits Counseling

woman getting counseling
  • When you’re thinking about getting a job.
Job search on laptop
  • When you’re actively searching for a job.
Young man with Down syndrome working in grocery store.
  • When you’ve been offered a job.
Handshaking and smiling candidly at a job interview
  • When you are getting a promotion.
Young Man with down Syndrome Working in Industrial Factory
  • When you’d like to work more hours.

Who We Are

We currently have three Certified Benefits Counselors that received their Work Incentive Planner Certification (WIP-C) in order to provide this service.