What is a Host Home Provider? Host Home Providers (HHP) are independent contractors (not employees) who offer residential services to adults with I/DD on the DD Waiver in their own homes. HHPs complete the same training requirements as our Direct Support Professional employees, and they provide the same residential services for up to two individuals with I/DD in their own home. Because HHPs are independent contractors, there are more requirements to become a Host Home Provider with Continuum of Colorado. Watch this video and then the video on “How to become a Host Home Provider with Continuum of Colorado” for more information.
What is a Family Caregiver Provider? At Continuum of Colorado, when we refer to a Family Caregiver Provider (FCG), we are referring to a family member who is providing residential services to an adult loved one on the DD Waiver. Like our Host Home Providers, FCGs are paid, independent contractors (not employees). The requirements for becoming a FCG are very similar to the requirements of our Host Home Providers.
How do I become a HHP or FCG with Continuum of Colorado? The first step is to apply. *Please note, we are not always onboarding new providers. If there is not an active link to apply for a Host Home Provider or Family Caregiver, please keep checking back until the postings are active (walk-in, call-in, or email applications are not accepted)*
Requirements to ensure your application is considered:
We provide direct support to people with I/DD through a variety of services including Home and Community Supports, Day Activities, Supported Employment and Residential Services. We are always looking for dedicated staff to help fulfill our mission in all of these programs.
Once you have applied and demonstrated the necessary requirements, someone from our Host Homes and Family Caregiver team will reach out to walk you through the next steps.